Video tour

The video tour is the presentation of the property. We can show you then the realistic look of the property – the same as personal tour.

You can find in the right corner of the video tour the exact plan of the property including the cardinal points. So, you know exactly where the rooms are situated. Each video tour is made by a professional and is illustrated by a pleasant music.


Virtual tour

Virtual tour shows a 360 degree view of the property. The client can go virtually through the whole property himself and also has the opportunity to look at details at the layout of the property. Our client can get a comprehensive picture of the property.

Our client can also look at the materials the property is made of, e.g. floors, ceilings etc.


Online tour

Our clients can book the online tour through our agents in advance. It is very useful service for very busy people, and especially in the branch of foreign properties. Our agent is at the agreed time in the property and you can view the property online by using your computer with Skype connection.



property very attractive for a wide range of possible customers.

We offer Fotostaging and Homestaging consultancy.



The aim of this service is to create attractive interior, to make professional photos for advertising, be different that the competition in this area, to show to owner how could be the property adapted for the presentation. This service is suitable for equipped properties with no technical and aesthetic defects, for light and spacious interiors.

Homestaging – equipped property

The aim is to broaden and brighten the interior, the correct placement of dispositions, repair and correction of obvious damage to show the advantages of your property. This service is useful for properties that are inhabited and decorated by lots of furniture and accessories and could look dark and pent.

Homestaging – unequipped property

The aim is to show the usability of the space and to create a nice home. It is known that empty properties are ussually sold for less and it takes longer time. This servis is useful for empty or not fully equipped properties.



Feng Shui is useful for both, private and business life and therefore we have decided to offer the consulting in this branch. It is complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese philosophy influencing even the biggest copanies in the world nowadays. It is complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space. It is said that Feng Shui is able to influence one third of our lives – happiness, prosperity, health, family welfare, success.

We have decided to offer the Feng Shui services because the location of the flat or house makes up to 70% of harmonious and nice living. We concentrate on offering tailor-made houses according to Feng Shui principles.


How do we work?

According to Feng Shui principles, each person is born in a certain energy (9 types of elements, it is calculated according to the year of birth), and is influenced by cardinal points. So, we can recommend you your favorable as well as unfavourable direction. According to those favorable directions we can offer you suitable property. The most important factor is the location of the entry and kitchen in the property.

According to Feng Shui principles – location of the entry – we can offer you the most suitable property. For more information we recommend personal constultation. Please, don´t hesitate to contact us.